We’re extra excited to spotlight one of our new colleagues in our brand new Traverse City office! Kelli Robb is part of our leadership team coming from VIKTOR Meetings & Incentives. With our acquisition in January 2022, we welcomed Kelli and 19 other awesome new teammates! Read below and watch the video to get to know Kelli better. She’s all about taking care of other people, whether it’s one of our participants or a perfect stranger!
What’s your title and how long have you been in the incentive industry?
I am the V.P., Client Services, in the Traverse City office. I was fortunate enough to work for an incentive company, my first job out of college, so I’ve been in the business 31 years now. I was at VIKTOR for 21 years and am excited to be part of Motivation Excellence now!
What does your job entail?
I oversee the Client Services operations of the Traverse City office – a lot of pre-sale responsibilities and working closely with our vendor partners. My goal is to make sure our travel programs go off without a hitch and our participants are blown away!
What’s something special about the people you work with you’d like to share?
Their commitment to serving the clients is over the top! Working with this team is the best part of my job.
What’s an unknown or odd talent you have?
I love to line dance!
What motivates you to accomplish things in your life (work or personal)?
My family and the passion I have for this industry.
What do you enjoy doing outside work?
Spending time with friends and family. Golfing. Boating.
One thing that always makes you laugh is?
My husband. He’s a hoot!
What have you done that helped you get through the pandemic?
Take walks/hikes and get some fresh air.
What is the most unusual job you’ve ever had?
I spent the summer in Nantucket between my sophomore and junior year in college. I worked for a family, for room and board, doing all kinds of odd jobs around their home and their businesses.
This month, our theme for social media is Work from Anywhere. What do you do to make sure you’re ready to work no matter your location, or just as importantly, make sure you’re not working too much?
When I’m working from home, the office, or on the road, I like to make sure the desk is set up to ‘plug in and be ready to go’.